sense of relief

美 [sens əv rɪˈliːf]英 [sens ɒv rɪˈliːf]
  • 如释重负的感觉
sense of reliefsense of relief
  1. A great sense of relief flooded over him .


  2. He felt a sense of relief that his part in this business was now over .


  3. I leave with a guilty sense of relief .


  4. She had a sense of relief which left her curiously lightheaded .


  5. The sense of relief is obvious when water finally emerges .


  6. There was a sense of relief .


  7. A sudden sense of relief flowed from my heart through every limb .


  8. A sense of relief has swept over you .


  9. but mostly feeling a sense of relief and anticipation for the next chapter of my life .


  10. There was a palpable sense of relief as my mother considered my opinion .


  11. Was there ever a time in 2012 when , amid all the pressure , he had a sense of relief ?


  12. The sense of relief was understandable .


  13. They were talking about how they felt a certain sense of relief when they heard that he was in good health .


  14. When these emotions come , they set off an impulse for crazy shopping which gives a sense of relief .


  15. My heart pounded in anticipation of what was to come , but there was also a sense of relief .


  16. There is a sense of relief amongst so many of you who have been following the path leading to Ascension .


  17. It would be impossible to describe the sense of relief I felt when FBI agents and police flooded around me .


  18. Even for us outsiders , there was an obvious , palpable sense of relief and catharsis among our Chinese counterparts .


  19. For the three actors who have given their teenage years to the mammoth film project , there 's also a curious sense of relief .


  20. You mourn the loss , have conflicting emotions – but oftentimes there 's a sense of relief .


  21. Elizabeth knew what was coming , and she was simultaneously filled with a deep sense of relief and a feeling of guilt .


  22. For another , the story about his own discovery in the boat had filled him with excitement and with a sense of relief .


  23. Admitted Acton : " When it closes , it 'll be with a sense of relief .


  24. Fixed-brightness so that images clear , strong sense of relief , but the light of the diversity , dynamic and subjectivity has been hidden .


  25. History suggests that , if there is a pandemic , the first wave this summer may be relatively mild possibly leading to a false sense of relief .


  26. Is there almost a sense of relief that the side have come out of the busy New Year period so well and , indeed , seem to be getting stronger ?


  27. Giuliani : I felt a sense of relief that we were that the plan that the President has put together very patiently , very carefully .


  28. Even though there is a sense of relief for many of these travelers when they finally land in the U.S.the terror of the earthquake still haunts them .


  29. After taking the larger XS Max everywhere with me for three days and feeling good about it , I switched to the iPhone XS - and immediately experienced a sense of relief .


  30. The sense of relief at the securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of justice that they can crack down on blatant abuses of inside information at hedge funds and on Wall Street must be profound .
